Session Chair: Special Session "Smart Transportation in Industrial Parks", INFORMS 2018 International Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, China, 2018.
Session Chair: Regular Session "Intelligent Transportation Systems", IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE), Xi'an, China, 2017.
Organizing Chair: TUM-PolyU Joint Workshop on Aviation Engineering, Online, 2021
Organizing Committee Member: The 7th Forum for Council of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Department Heads (CIEDH2016) and The 5th Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Asian Conference (IISEAsia2016), Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China, 2016
Secretary: The 5th POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China, 2014
Departmental/University Services
2022-Present: Programme Leader, BEng (Hons) in Air Transport Engineering, HK PolyU
2021-Present: Member, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee, Dept. of AAE, HK PolyU
2021-Present: Member, Departmental Undergraduate Programme Committee, Dept. of AAE, HK PolyU
2021-2022: International Exchange Officer, Dept. of AAE, HK PolyU
2021-2022: Deputy Programme Leader, BEng (Hons) in Air Transport Engineering, HK PolyU
2020-2021: Organization Commissary, School of Architecture, HITsz
2019-2021: UG Admission Officer for Hubei Provice, HITsz
2018-2020: Mentor for RPg Student Class 2018, School of Architecture, HITsz